


Power Trip WOD3

in Teams of 3:
EMOM for 12mins
Min 1 - Buy in 10x Sync Toes to Bar or sit Ups then Max Worm Lunge or DB Lunge
Min 2 - Buy in 10x Sync Pull Ups or Hanging Knee raises then Max Worm Thurster or DB Thruster.
Min 3 - Buy in 10 Sync Over Worm Burpee then Max Worm Clean & Jerk or DB Clean & Jerk



12 Days of Christmas

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Day 1: 100m Run
Day 2: 2 Box Jumps
Day 3: 3 Wall Balls
Day 4: 4 Dumbbell Snatch
Day 5: 5 Push Ups
Day 6: 6 KB Swings
Day 7: 7 Squats
Day 8: 8 Plate Push Press
Day 9: 9 Sit Ups
Day 10: 10 Burpees
Day 11: 11 Power Clean
Day 12: 12 Tire Flips




Power Trip Workout 1

For Time (14min Cap)
Teams of 3
Athlete 1
50x Double Unders
12x Rounds
1x DB Devil Press
1x DB Thruster  
1x Burpee Pull Ups

Athlete 2
50x Double Unders
6x Rounds
2x DB Devil Press
2x DB Thruster  
2x Burpee Pull Ups

Athlete 3
50x Double Unders
4x Rounds
3x DB Devil Press
3x DB Thruster  
3x Burpee Pull Ups