6x2 @83%
10min AMRAP
16x Kettlebell Clean & Jerk
6x Ring Dip
Air Bike 500m
Power Trip WOD3
in Teams of 3:
EMOM for 12mins
Min 1 - Buy in 10x Sync Toes to Bar or sit Ups then Max Worm Lunge or DB Lunge
Min 2 - Buy in 10x Sync Pull Ups or Hanging Knee raises then Max Worm Thurster or DB Thruster.
Min 3 - Buy in 10 Sync Over Worm Burpee then Max Worm Clean & Jerk or DB Clean & Jerk
Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
Day 1: 100m Run
Day 2: 2 Box Jumps
Day 3: 3 Wall Balls
Day 4: 4 Dumbbell Snatch
Day 5: 5 Push Ups
Day 6: 6 KB Swings
Day 7: 7 Squats
Day 8: 8 Plate Push Press
Day 9: 9 Sit Ups
Day 10: 10 Burpees
Day 11: 11 Power Clean
Day 12: 12 Tire Flips
Power Trip Workout 1
For Time (14min Cap)
Teams of 3
Athlete 1
50x Double Unders
12x Rounds
1x DB Devil Press
1x DB Thruster
1x Burpee Pull Ups
Athlete 2
50x Double Unders
6x Rounds
2x DB Devil Press
2x DB Thruster
2x Burpee Pull Ups
Athlete 3
50x Double Unders
4x Rounds
3x DB Devil Press
3x DB Thruster
3x Burpee Pull Ups