Richies WOD
Alright guys this is a big one and close to the heart. This workout is dedicated to a good friend of mine, Rich Neindorf who passed away last year on the 19th of August from colon cancer. I had the pleasure of coaching Rich for years over in Perth and he became a good friend with some killer dance moves. He lived life to the fullest and was always the first one to ask how you were doing, so this wod is done in his memory bring down a partner and support each other through it.
“A) 10 mins to build to a heavy snatch single (Richie was a fantastic weightlifter, with the snatch being his best lift, so we had to include that!)
B) 30 min AMRAP:
30 burpees over bar
9 clean and jerks
19 chest to bar pull-ups
88 air squats
30 min AMRAP as he passed away at 30 years old, and his date of birth was 30th of September, 1988 (30/9/1988).
“The movements were selected based on some of his favourite and least favourites. It’s a partner workout because he loved a good partner WOD, and was always the first person to cheer somebody on who hadn’t finished their workout yet – he epitomized CrossFit community spirit.”