
New Year - Stronger You!!

Welcome back crew.

We are starting a fresh new training program that I have designed to run for the next 12 weeks. Which means Thursday is 1rep Max testing day!!

Don’t stress though, yes you have all been on holiday and most likely lost a bit of strength & fitness but that’s the point. This is purely to get a start number that we can use to during training and also to compare against when we re-test at the end of the 12week block.

If you are going to miss Thursday’s session no stress hit me up during the week or even next week and we can get it done.


Take 15mins to find
1RM Front Squat

Take 15mins to find
1RM Back Squat

Take 10mins to find
1RM Strict Press

Take 20mins to find
1RM Deadlift
